Beckn and Review Authentication

DSNP allows users to have a pseudonymous identity while online. This means that users may choose to share their real-world identity with others or keep that information to themselves. However, DSNP applications may utilize blockchain to positively identify that user’s account across various activities. This ability to allow users to remain private, while verifying their account can be useful for a variety of activities. One such use case is being developed with Beckn.


Beckn Protocol (or Beckn in short) enables the creation of open, peer-to-peer decentralized networks for pan-sector economic transactions. Stewarded by FIDE, the Foundation for Interoperability in Digital Economy, the protocol can be implemented by platforms, organizations and governments to create integrated digital networks across diverse sectors of e-commerce, mobility, energy, manufacturing and more. As a framework for enabling open and decentralized social commerce, Beckn emphasizes user control over data and the ability for marketplace participants to directly connect without the need for intermediaries. However, this creates a question–how can Beckn networks enable trust-building between buyers and sellers as they engage in digital commerce while also managing potential hazards from bots and scams? In this case, FIDE turned to DSNP as a solution for managing user identity across social and commercial interactions.

To show the way forward, FIDE worked with Project Liberty Labs staff on approaches to create trusted product reviews on buying platforms. Many buyer review systems are plagued with interference from bots, paid reviewers and bad actors who seek to influence product ratings by submitting fake reviews. In order to address this problem, DSNP attestations can be used to verify that reviews are submitted by users who actually have purchased the product they are reviewing. While the real-world identity of the user leaving a review does not need to be shared, anyone viewing the review is able to authenticate that it originates from the same account that made the product purchase on the Beckn platform.

DSNP is designed for just such a use case. DSNP identifiers may remain anonymous. Users may choose to expose their real world identity if they wish, however DSNP implementations must not require that they do so. The ability to allow users to control their privacy, while not fully exempting them from repercussions for bad behavior is one of the cornerstones of decentralized social commerce. The power of social media lies in allowing real-world product purchasers and users to freely express their true opinions for other shoppers. Confirming that these product reviews are submitted by real users as opposed to paid reviewers and bots ensures that these reviews remain truthful and useful.